먼저 강화씨 의견대로 기존품 납품이 아니고 사양에 의해 특별 제작을 했기 때문에 가격이 비싸다는 것은 이해를 하지만하기 내용에 대해서는 한번 문의를 해 볼 필요가 있어서 보내니 업체 확인 좀 해주라.1. 기존품의 경우 구성이 작은 송출기와 작은 댄서 그리고 역시 작은 코일러이겠지만 그래도 기존 가격 대비   크기가 커지면서 자재비 및 가공비 상승 요인이 반영된 견적인지?2. Pay […]

Aluminum profile packing line with tape wrapping machine

This is an automatic aluminum profile packing line specialized for long and straight aluminum profile,  The wrapped package is well protected and sealed, and looks tidier. The machine can be connected to your existed production line, which plays a key role in your production procedure and is popular in modern packaging industry. Packing requirements:  Object: Aluminum profile packing Data: Air […]


自动收卷捆扎包装机,用于大型管材的收卷和包装,是提高自动化程度的新型包装解决方案,设备可连续包装。可和您的挤出线完美搭配。 收卷机特征: PLC和HMI控制系统自动控制运行。 两种工作模式供选择:自动和手动。 收卷张力可以控制。 参数可在PLC程序上设定。   设置管子收卷长度,自动切断装置。 自动收卷系统。 故障发生时自动报警系统。 通过传感器自动检测管子位置。 速度可由变频器调节。 两个缠绕轮子,用于连续缠绕。    采用自动置换器。 收卷效果整齐美观。  气动推出管卷。 捆扎机特征: 自动捆扎HDPE管圈。 故障发生时自动报警系统。 良好的张力控制,保护管道表面。 通过传感器自动检测捆扎位置。 速度可由变频器调节。 自动捆扎线圈3到4处。 操作简便、安全。


风鼎机械: 轮胎包装机主要用于轮胎的包装,以及软管卷、管辊等,其优点是它是高效,节省了劳动和材料成本。本机具有防水、防尘、防锈、防锈、抗老化的功效。并有效地保护机器的正常运行。这种设计不仅能帮助你节省劳力,节省你的仓库空间,提高你的工作效率,而且还能有效地装饰你的产品。 简介:轮胎包装机可以完美地包装轮胎的整体表面,使外包装更加美观。包装质量使客户满意。 特征: 1。适用于不同材料,高包装效率。 2。填料位置具有自动复位功能。 3。两种工作模式,方便自动操作。 4。逆变器用于对环和辊进行速度的调整。 5。根据要求,设置包装胶带的重叠。 6。自动切割材料。 7。护栏、安全启动和停止安全。 8。可调整不同轮胎尺寸大小。 9。包装张力可由特殊断路器调节。 10。当出现故障时,指示器会自动发出警报,自动显示。 11。包装张力可根据包装要求而变化。 12。适用于广泛的包装材料,如薄膜,纸张等等。 13。轮胎标志采用圆胶材质。这种专为摩托车轮胎设计的包装机,满足了轮胎包装的方便性。可选的机载程序控制系统提供触摸屏指令。完整的技术文档、视频和图像简化了维护和最大化正常运行时间。 如需更多选择与需求,请联系我们。 从销售安装到后期协助,Fhope是您在包装机产品包装上的知识助手和专业伙伴。跟多详情请联系我们或点击下面的链接来联系我们,了解我们的风鼎机械的详细信息。 更多自动化包装尽在:icoiler.com,fhopepack.com—风鼎机械

High-speed steel cutter classification

According to different manufacturing processes, high-speed steel can be divided into high-speed steel melting and powder metallurgy high-speed steel. ① smelting high-speed steel: ordinary high-speed steel and high-speed steel are produced by melting method. After smelting, casting and rolling process, they are made into knives. Smelting high-speed steel prone to serious problems is carbide segregation, […]

Square shoulder milling nose tool

The maximum depth of cut (DOC) should be less than or equal to 10% of the diameter of the ball. Stepover should be greater than or equal to DOC. The nose tool is not designed for rough machining. The use of high speed machining (optical DOC and high feed rate) for stable and rapid cutting […]

Hacked By TheDarkBlue

TÜRK HACK TEAM ANKA (SALDIRI) TİM NE MUTLU TÜRKÜM DİYENE Kim Sorarsa TÜRKLER Geldi Dersiniz …! ZULME UĞRAYAN TÜRK VE MÜSLÜMANIN YANINDAYIZ …! Mazlumun Bir Teline Dünyayı Yakarız … TurkHackTeam.Org <============================================= =====>

HSN – 1300

HSN – 1300 the latest engineering silicon nitride cutting tool has excellent toughness and high cutting speed capability. Rotation and milling of various cast iron. Hsnt-100 is a good choice for toughness, ductility, ductile iron and other difficult iron. Gem – 7 Al2O3 + TiC composite ceramics, with high roll rotation and hard alloy (up […]

Ceramic cutting tools

Ceramic liner boring bar The GL industry standard boring tool has the industry-general, multi-lock hardware components, and is applicable to all kinds of styles, applicable to all common insertion geometry. Most of the styles are used to adjust the “through bar” coolant of the outlet nozzle. Green leaf standard boring knife is made of alloy […]