Since our standard platform can’t be everything to each application, and sometimes a new platform has to be created to achieve the right throughput. Below is several examples of tools which were a work in processing and some of them may become standard things in the near future based on their initial success. Please ask Informations for pricing or informations on these specific items.
Facing Grooving Tool: This tool was created to mill a specific form on top of the connecting rod for a combustion engine. The mating form was generated on the cap in order to launch a perfect mate, invoiding any shifting between the two surfaces. The form was developed by plunging in the Z-Axis down onto the part.
Stubby Tool: The 1.0″ long insert is for larger bodies and for short threads. Now With this tool we have more inserts in the cutting, with standard inserts and short, stubby tool to cut short thread forms .